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HEY GUYS!!!! welcomw to the very first post of my blog, if you're wondering what this website is all about, well it is about everything Nerdy/Geek culture. Im talking about comic books, movies, games, books, and of course some good old rock and roll.

Now as the title says there is only 3 days left before Star Wars Episode VII comes out, if you guys pre-ordered your tickets then stand online early to be able to get in because this is going to be the biggest movie of the year especially since it is at the end of 2015. If you didn't pre-pay for your tickets its cool, movie theaters (some not all) do still have some for sale but also get there early to purchase them, this movie is going to be sick. Now the one concern that everyone has had is that we havent seen Luke Skywalker at all in any of the trailers, we've seen Han, Leia, and Chewy from the original cast but not even a glimpse of Luke. Then we have seen Han and Rey speaking and Han confirming that all of it is true. Now is it possible that he is confirming that Luke has turned to the dark side? or is he just confirming the stories she's heard of the battles we saw in Episode IV-VI?

Others also assume that Rey is the daughter of Leia and Han Solo, which if JJ Abrams decides to incorporate any of the extended universes of the books, we do know that Han and Leia Solo have a daughter. This would be super interesting to see. But how about the theory running around in Reddit in regards to Jar Jar Binks being a sith lord. I've rewatched Episode I-III and I must say that their theory looks pretty legit. Rumors are starting to surface that supreme leader Snoke is in reality Jar Jar Binks 30 years later. This makes the theory even more intriguing considering that Andy Serkis is the motion capture of Snoke and of Jar Jar in the prequels.

Who else would we see in Episode 7 at least as a cameo Captain Rex from the clone wars but that would be too hopeful wouldn't it?

Let me know what you guys think, email us at the link provided.

Pretty soon we will be releasing our Podcast Reel Bearded News and we will have many surprises for you guys.

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